Scientific and technological offer
Monocles for observing eclipses
This patent is for a device for observing distant objects. This invention is especially applicable to observing solar or lunar eclipses.Railway survey vehicle (vav)
Geometric survey vehicle for analysing defects in the main characteristics of rail lines (levelling and alignment, gauge, etc.). Traditional maintenance methods based on visual inspections of permanent way are not compatible with the demands of modern railways for high levels of safety, availability and comfort, thus obliging railway authorities to prefer to use survey vehicles or mobile laboratories which automate the work and enable predictive maintenance.Project management training
Specialist services for training companies and public bodies in traditional project management and agile frameworks. Project management helps organise the intellectual work linked to R+D+I, thus enhancing capacity for innovation and organisational competitiveness.Obtaining natural ingredients from red and white grape pomace for conserving meat products
The wine industry is one of Extremadura's largest producers of subproducts. Handling this is very costly and has a major environmental impact. The most abundant subproducts of this sector are the pomaces, which are made up of the seeds, skins, scrapings and pulp left after grape-pressing operations. These subproducts are rich in bioactive compounds showing antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, as well as being very high in soluble fibre. In recent years, different techniques for reclaiming these subproducts have been studied.REQUEST
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