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Scientific and technological offer

Sports biomechanics

Service directed at programming and optimising sports training using novel procedures which allow key parameters to be recorded in different modes, as well as identification of indicators of performance or injury prevention. The sports biomechanics service is divided into: training process monitoring; clinical evaluation, assessment and rehabilitation with interactive dynamic virtual reality systems (MOTEK); isokinetic and isometric assessment of neuromuscular potential; and functional analysis of postural balance.

Scan to bim applied to heritage, engineering and architecture

Scan To BIM is the cutting-edge process aimed at high-resolution documentation and digitalisation of buildings and infrastructures. The practical applications range from documentation and modelling of heritage assets, to modelling of industrial plants, as well as precise geometric modelling of civil engineering projects and buildings. The process starts with massive date capture using techniques that create point clouds, followed by processing the clouds to produce a geometric 3D model similar to the real item (digital twin).

Artificial olfactory systems

Artificial olfactory device made by integrating components like chemical and gas sensors, and signal processing systems. These sensors can be used as an "electronic fingerprint" to characterise patterns previously learned or stored, so that aromas and volatile organic compounds from different sources can be distinguished, identified and/or quantified, for multiple purposes.



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