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Scientific and technological offer

Voice-assisted electronic system for pharmacological management and medical appointments

Assistant on Care and Health Offline (ACHO) is an offline voice assistant aimed at helping senior citizens with managing their pharmacological treatments. By promoting active ageing, the device proactively reminds users to take their medicaments using a voice alert. At the same time, ACHO offers a catalogue of features focussed on active care for senior citizens, reminding them of medical appointments and engaging in gamified communication with users. In implementing this, ACHO has taken into account the limitations of rural areas, and it functions independently of any internet connection.

Artificial intelligence service

Service directed at incorporating AI techniques into the processes of any company. We have experience in highly diverse AI techniques for classification, prediction, grouping, natural language processing, deep learning, process optimisation, etc.

3d modelling using tls, drones and photogrammetry

High-resolution topography is directed at massive data capture to yield digital models of high precision and resolution (digital twins). These models are extremely useful in the drafting, construction and exploitation phases of infrastructure, as well as for digital preservation of heritage assets. The main techniques that can be applied are: terrestrial laser scanner (TLS), whether fixed or mobile, and/or terrestrial photogrammetry and drone flights, all supported by global positioning systems (GNSS).


Under the commercial name Agropathogen, CTAEX intends to commercialise a PCR-technology-based kit to check for the presence of bacteria in the food industry. In the technology developed at the Centre's microbiology laboratory, the researchers have tuned the technique for releasing batches of foodstuffs, initially for tomato concentrate, to guarantee that it the product has been pasteurised correctly, in under 24 hours.

Analysis service for medicinal cannabis, industrial hemp and derivatives

CTAEX offers a detection service for the most common viruses affecting hemp crops, namely HLVd, LCV, CanCV and TMV, based on PCR technology. The CTAEX microbiology laboratory has this technology necessary for identifying viruses, and different systems to match the requirements and needs of companies. The physical-chemical laboratory offers analysis of cannabinoids accredited to ISO 17025 for medicinal cannabis flower, oil, and industrial hemp extract and flowers.



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